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History of MAYFACS
When did it start?

MAYFACS was first formed as a charity in 2016 and actually got under way in May of that year when Shirley Holland began as the first, part time, project manager.

What was the process of forming the charity?

The small organising committee held two meetings, one with interested parties, who already organised activities for the elderly and one for everyone who was interested. The overiding message from these meetings was to go ahead. An application to form a charity was initiated and was successful and MAYFACS was formerly declared a charity in May 2016.

Who started it?

The quick answer is two trustees from Age Concern Mayfield and other interested individuals.

The longer answer and some background is Mayfield was fortunate to have a group called "Age Concern Mayfield" who for many years had been very active in the village. However, due to the popularity of care agencies and legislation which limited what services voluntary age concern groups could offer, they were left with just two people having "home helps" and the monthly lunches to organise.

The people who comprised the committee of Age Concern Mayfield were also ageing so they were forced to make a decision, fold or think outside the box and change to an organisation for the 21st century. They chose the latter.

Who helped?

The trustees were helped by the founder of a very successful church in the community project in the nearby parish of Rotherfield, "Rotherfield St. Martin". The founder Jo Evans was the principal MAYFACS advisor,  She set up RSM over 10 years ago to specifically help the older population in her parish. The trustees also sought advise from local doctors, churches and other community groups.

To contact MAYFACS about anything, click the 'contact us' link or use the contact details below.

MAYFACS is grateful to the following for their support:

The Mayfield Trust

Hollick Family Foundation

3VA Supporting Voluntary Action

Sussex Community Foundation

Action in Rural Sussex

Connecting 4 You

Lund Trust

The National Lottery Community Fund

Mayfield and Five Ashes Parish Council

Wealden District Council


01435 873888 

(This is our main number, currently an answerphone service)

Lucy Jervis  EMAIL:

Freya Huxtable  EMAIL:

Clare Vosloo  EMAIL:

Becky Smith  EMAIL:

Gill Lawday  EMAIL:

Mayfacs Shed  EMAIL:


The MAYFACS Office, London House, High Street, Mayfield TN20 6AQ 

10am to 1pm Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays

We are opposite the Chemist. For access, we are aware the stairs at the front are very steep so please do use the rear entrance if preferred, which has an accessible slope for easier access.

MAYFACS Shed - opening hours Mon, Wed & Thurs 9.30 - 12.30

Charity Number: 1166647

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We are proud to be

members of :

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