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MAYFACS Friday Matinee Films 

Our 2024/25 Film Season started with an extended programme of 11 Films, one every 2 weeks from October to March except for a break at Christmas.

Matinee Films on Friday will be back in October.

Tea and cake will be served during the interval at every Film


Doors open at 1:30pm for a 1:45pm start. See the new leaflet below for more details. Click on the below button or collect a leaflet from our Noticeboards outside the office.


Everyone is welcome to come along to our Film shows.....Don't worry if you don't normally attend MAYFACS events..... Films are open to everyone of all ages!
Welcome to invite friends who live outside Mayfield and Five Ashes too.  We ask that you pay £6 per head and bring cash on the day. 

Doors open at 1.30pm and the film starts at 1.45pm

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Minibus transport 

On Film days the minibus will run to and from Five Ashes Village Hall.  There is no need to book, just turn up at one of the stops at the times below: 

Memorial Hall: 1.10pm

St Thomas of Canterbury: 1.20pm

The Fare is £3, payable when you go into the hall. £9 in total including your admission to the Film.

MAYFACS is grateful to the following for their support:

The Mayfield Trust

Hollick Family Foundation

3VA Supporting Voluntary Action

Sussex Community Foundation

Action in Rural Sussex

Connecting 4 You

Lund Trust

The National Lottery Community Fund

Mayfield and Five Ashes Parish Council

Wealden District Council


01435 873888 

(This is our main number, currently an answerphone service)

Lucy Jervis  EMAIL:

Freya Huxtable  EMAIL:

Clare Vosloo  EMAIL:

Becky Smith  EMAIL:

Gill Lawday  EMAIL:

Mayfacs Shed  EMAIL:


The MAYFACS Office, London House, High Street, Mayfield TN20 6AQ 

10am to 1pm Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays

We are opposite the Chemist. For access, we are aware the stairs at the front are very steep so please do use the rear entrance if preferred, which has an accessible slope for easier access.

MAYFACS Shed - opening hours Mon, Wed & Thurs 9.30 - 12.30

Charity Number: 1166647

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We are proud to be

members of :

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