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Supporters of MAYFACS


Founded by Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin, Lund Trust supports charities and causes they especially care about. Lund is a sister to Lisbet and Peter’s Arcadia Fund, which focuses on preserving endangered culture and nature and promoting open access. Since 2002 Lund Trust has given $66.6m to more than 350 organizations, in the UK and internationally.

Connecting 4 You aims to introduce new and innovative ways of working to bring together health and social care services  to better the needs of the population of High Weald, Lewes and the Havens. This will be done by:

  • Finding ways to keep people healthier and to help people manage their own conditions when they do become ill.

  • Working across organisations as if we are all one team to make sure all of our services stay focused on the patient.

  • Making it easier to see a GP when needed to and to make it easier for people to use other non-hospital services.

Sussex Community Foundation is a not-for-profit charity that makes grants to other not-for-profit organisations across Sussex.

We raise funds for and make grants to other local charities and community groups across East and West Sussex and Brighton & Hove and have raised over £40 million to support Sussex communities since 2006.

AirS is an independent charity that exists for all people living in rural areas of Sussex but especially those who are at risk of isolation and/or disadvantage, and for whom rural life brings an additional challenge and cost to their daily lives.

Established in 1931, we are staffed by a highly experienced and dedicated team who are committed to helping people overcome the challenges caused by their rural location. Our vision is for a thriving, economically active rural Sussex full of choice and opportunities for everyone, regardless of their circumstances.

Part of the ACRE network of rural community councils, our work is funded through a range of sources and varies over time. This may include contracts and grant funding from trusts, foundations and the public sector as well as contributions from subscriptions, membership, donations, legacies and consultancy.

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Mayfield and Five Ashes Parish Council have supported and continue to support us with grants in order to enable us to carry out the good work of the charity.

3VA is an organisation that empowers, supports and develops social and voluntary action in East Sussex, and they prioritise their efforts to those in greatest need. Their work is based on collaborative and partnership working using an asset-based and community-led approach, and they aim to strengthen social action by amplifying the voice of the voluntary sector. Their activities aim to make a real difference to our communities, and they are constantly reviewing their work to improve performance and make effective use of their resources.

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The National Lottery Community Fund distributes over £600m a year to communities across the UK, raised by players of The National Lottery

Wealden District Council have supported and continue to support us with grants in order to enable us to carry out the good work of the charity.

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MAYFACS are over the moon to confirm vital support

from National Lottery funding


MAYFACS is over the moon to confirm we have been awarded vital funding from The National Lottery Community Fund, the largest funder of community activity in the UK, to enable us to develop and enhance our services within Mayfield and Five Ashes over the next 3 years – to survive and thrive!

National Lottery funding will allow us to broaden our reach by supporting our core services to increase the range of activities and support provided, to continue to deliver a dependable service and increase opportunities for volunteers as we move into our next stage of development within Mayfield and Five Ashes. 

We will be able to build on the valuable services we offer already, work towards reaching more people within our community, and do more to support people, of all ages, to combat isolation and loneliness. We will continue to integrate our Community Shed to bring opportunities for skill development, regular activities and sessions for our “Shedders”, and intergenerational projects.

National Lottery players raise over £30 million a week for good causes across the UK. The National Lottery Community Fund distributes a share of this to projects to support people and communities to prosper and thrive.

MAYFACS is grateful to the following for their support:

The Mayfield Trust

Hollick Family Foundation

3VA Supporting Voluntary Action

Sussex Community Foundation

Action in Rural Sussex

Connecting 4 You

Lund Trust

The National Lottery Community Fund

Mayfield and Five Ashes Parish Council

Wealden District Council


01435 873888 

(This is our main number, currently an answerphone service)

Lucy Jervis  EMAIL:

Freya Huxtable  EMAIL:

Clare Vosloo  EMAIL:

Becky Smith  EMAIL:

Gill Lawday  EMAIL:

Mayfacs Shed  EMAIL:


The MAYFACS Office, London House, High Street, Mayfield TN20 6AQ 

10am to 1pm Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays

We are opposite the Chemist. For access, we are aware the stairs at the front are very steep so please do use the rear entrance if preferred, which has an accessible slope for easier access.

MAYFACS Shed - opening hours Mon, Wed & Thurs 9.30 - 12.30

Charity Number: 1166647

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We are proud to be

members of :

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