Location: MAYFACS Shed, Merrieweathers Farm, East Street, MAYFIELD,
East Sussex, TN20 6RJ
We are running 3 groups a week and a monthly repair café. We welcome your ideas and working together with our Shed Leaders, we are looking forward to seeing it evolve.........
The Shed is a fantastic community opportunity for anyone to come along, meet some friendly people, get involved in Shed projects and development, create items in the workshops, work on your own personal projects and repairs – and have lots of cups of tea and chat!! The Shed offers a well-stocked workshop, social area, outside workspaces, our wonderful Orchard with a bee hive, and plans to develop community garden projects. For more information, please contact theshed@mayfacs.org.uk or 01435 873888.
Shed weekly Sessions:
MONDAY (Mixed Group – all welcome) 9.30-12.30pm
WEDNESDAY (Men’s Session) 9.30-12.30pm
THURSDAY (Mixed Group - all welcome) 9.30 -12.30pm

Shed stall at the Mayfacs Open Morning